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Teste de Nível – Língua Portuguesa
Prueba de nivel – Idioma español
Bienvenido a la Prueva de Nivel de EZ - Francés Habrá 25 preguntas y no hay límite de tiempo. Se basan en el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas. Pero no te preocupes por esto ahora Relájate, presta atención y diviértete.
Welcome to the EZ`s Level Test - French There will be 25 questions and there is no time limit. They are based on Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. But, don't worry about this now Relax, pay attention and have fun.
➢ These level tests were developed by teachers at EZ World, as well as 100% of the editing, production and user interface.
This French level test was created by EZ World's French teacher, Laure (France). Here's more info about Laure:
Good luck with the test!
Enhorabuena, llegastes al final del test. Por favor, pinche abajo en "Enviar" para obtener los resultados.
Congratulations, you have reached the end of the test. Please click "Submit" below to get the results.
Time's up